Virginians for Safe Technology's follow up letter to:
Mr. Michael Bolling, Ms. Meg Foley, Mr. Brendon Albon, and Mr Reginald Fox at the
Virginia Department of Education
Dear Mr. Bolling,
Virginians for Safe Technology would like to thank you for your time, and the time of your staff, in discussing our concerns regarding the omission of radio frequency radiation (RFR) from the VDOE/VDH Digital Devices in the Classroom: Health & Safety Guidelines. As discussed, children in Virginia are now increasingly exposed to excessive and unregulated amounts of non-ionizing RFR at school, and are facing foreseeable risk of harm.
Per your request, we are going to follow up with a letter within the next two weeks providing our recommended changes to the Digital Device Guidelines and supporting peer-reviewed independently funded studies which detail the harms of wireless radiation.
In the meantime, we would like to provide you with these website links listed below so you can get a head start on the topic material. Please note, this is not a complete list.
The bioeffects of RFR and screentime need to be urgently mitigated since wireless technology/digital devices are quickly being integrated as the main instruction tools into school curriculum statewide. We hope that you will take swift action to reduce the student and teacher classroom exposures to RFR, which is classified as a Group 2B possible human carcinogen by the World Health Organization.
We have access to the top medical, scientific, and engineering experts in this field within our national alliance who are willing to assist you with anything you need in order to resolve this issue.
Here is an abbreviated list of informational links mentioned during our call:
Example of Townhall Comment Omitted from Guidelines
Classroom RF Microwave Radiation Counter
Wireless Education Training for Schools & Families
NIH National Toxicology Program Study
Peer Reviewed Published Research Studies on WiFi & 2.4 GHZ Wireless Frequencies
HB 817 & Digital Device Guidelines
Virginians for Safe Technology Resource Pages:
Informative Links & Physical Impacts to Children
The Science of RFR Harm to Children
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Jenny DeMarco
Virginians for Safe Technology