Virginians for Safe Technology Best Practices
1. No cell towers on or near schools; Keep 1,640 feet away or relocate ASAP.
2. Ethernet plugs in classrooms.
3. Purchase Ethernet Cords for all mobile wireless devices given to students.
4. Hardwire all fixed devices.
5. Children only use devices connected with ethernet cords on top of desks or at work stations with WiFi turned off.6. Teachers, Staff and Students turn phone OFF in classrooms put phones on airplane mode with WiFi, Bluetooth, and other antennas off.
7. Prohibit education on digital and wireless technology and routers in preschool and kindergarten classrooms.
8. Limit exposure to technology: Ed Tech Triangle
9. Create Wi-Fi free zones in each school. Have at least one school or more in each district without wireless technology. Parental Opt-out choices should be available.
10. Use Stricter RFR Limits in Schools and test monthly.
11. Educate students, educators, parents, and administration on the impact of constant exposure to Radio Frequency Radiation (RFR) and effective protective measures to mitigate.